Please click on one of the four headings below to see the descriptions:
Teacher Training Components
Strategies to weave mindfulness & compassion practices into transitions & class meetings.
Effective facilitation of restorative/relational circles to build community belonging.
Lesson plans and curricula tailored to grade-levels.
Mentorship, modeling and resources for delivering weekly Kind Mind Lessons in the classroom or outdoors.
Support in adapting existing curricula to include restorative and mindfulness practices & to embed philosophy.
Support in cultivation of personal mindfulness practices within the school environment and at leisure.
Parent Training Components
Support in cultivating personal mindfulness practices through parenting and during mini-breaks.
Support in practicing mindfulness & compassion with your children in daily life - includes activities & games.
Mindful Parenting - being more present with children & shifting to more mindful verbal and nonverbal communication.
Weekly In-class or Outdoor Kind Mind Program
Lessons and relational circles tailored to grade-levels. Choice of 8, 16, 24, or 32 weeks.
Coordination with teachers in scheduling and preparation for weekly lesson themes.
Experienced staff leads weekly lessons and supports teacher to integrate practices daily.
Curriculum in mindfulness and compassion practices are tailored to fit circumstances.
PEAC: Mindfulness for Tutors on March 6, 2023.
Lotusland Wellness Wednesdays: Nature-connection Meditation on April 5, 2023.
UCSB Department of Education: Mindfulness for Teacher Candidates on April 10, 2023, and April 26, 2022.
Ventura County Office of Education: Mindfulness for Educators on April 25, 2023.